The vast majority of our population is overweight, at least a little. To determine ‘how overweight’ someone is, we commonly use a body mass index or BMI. Anyone with a BMI of over 39% is considered morbidly or extremely obese. Everyone knows that having excess body fat can cause many health problems, and the more overweight you are, the more severe and frequent your health problems will be. But don’t give up; even extremely obese women and men can find the help they need to get their weight under control once and for all. Below is a brief write-up of three tips for extremely obese women or men.
Before you decide which type of weight loss plan is best for you, don’t overlook your emotions. Many people will ’emotionally eat’ or eat when upset or depressed. Recognizing your bad habits is the first step to changing them and adopting new, healthier habits.
Here are some steps that can help you get back in shape:
Light Exercise
The first step for anyone who is obese is to take a trip to their doctor. You are far more susceptible to heart problems, so you must find out if you are healthy enough to exercise. Exercise and diet is the best way for anyone to lose weight. No, it’s not quick or easy, but it’s a lifestyle change that can help you keep the weight off permanently.
Start easy by taking short walks. Other great ideas are non-impact activities such as swimming or biking. You will have to start slowly, which is fine, but as long as your doctor says it’s ok, you need to start. Hiring a trainer to help you modify exercises for your specific limitations is another good idea (they can also help you stay motivated).
Take medications
While not as highly recommended as light exercising, medication can help some significantly overweight people. It’s still not a quick fix, and the drugs will need to be prescribed and monitored by your doctor, but using medications for a short time might be an excellent way to kick-start your weight loss. It’s not recommended that you use these medications for extended periods due to the number of side effects, so if you decide to go this route, think of it as only temporary to get you started.
Weight Loss Surgery
There are now some surgical remedies to obesity. Bariatric weight loss surgery has helped many morbidly obese patients lose all their unwanted weight and, by doing so, has allowed many of them to reverse some negative health issues they were dealing with entirely. This surgery is expensive, though; as with any surgery, there can be complications.
All in all, it’s best to make lifestyle changes with your diet and by adding exercise to your daily routine if you want to lose weight, but if you need extra help, there are other things you can do. Out of these essential tips that extremely obese women or men need to remember is that it’s not so important which method you choose; choose one and stick with it. You deserve a long, happy, healthy life, and only you can make that happen.
Updated: 11-29-2022