
Diabetes is a condition that causes high levels of sugar to build up in your blood. If you have diabetes, it’s essential to know the symptoms of this disease so you can seek treatment early.

The symptoms of diabetes can be different for each person, but they may include the following:

The symptoms of diabetes can be different for each person and may include the following:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger, especially after eating
  • Urinating more often than usual (polyuria)
  • Weight loss without trying to lose weight (unintentional weight loss)

If you are experiencing these symptoms, see your doctor.

Diabetes Symptoms

Feeling very thirsty

Drinking more water may be helpful. It’s essential to stay hydrated, so try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (or about 2 liters). You may need more if you exercise regularly or live in a hot climate. 

If you’re drinking enough but still feel thirsty, ask your doctor about other reasons for feeling thirsty—like an infection or dehydration from vomiting or diarrhea.

Frequent urination

Frequent urination is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. It can occur in people who don’t have diabetes, however, so it isn’t always a sign that you have the disease.

If you drink a lot of fluids or exercise more than usual and experience frequent urination, this may be caused by other conditions such as:

  • Dehydration (not enough water)
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Bladder or kidney stones

Feelings of hunger that are not related to eating

Feeling hungry and unable to eat is a common symptom of high blood sugar levels, which can be a sign of diabetes. If you experience this, it’s essential to see your doctor to determine the cause.

You may also have difficulty concentrating or remembering things, as well as feeling tired, irritable, or depressed—all symptoms that are commonly associated with depression rather than diabetes.

Unexplained weight loss (even though you are eating and feel hungry)

Several symptoms may be associated with diabetes. Weight loss is one of the most common but is not the only symptom. If you are experiencing unexplained weight loss (and you feel hungry), then you should see your doctor to discuss your symptoms and determine if they might be related to diabetes.

Treatment for diabetes includes medication and lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier foods and exercising regularly. If you suspect that you have this condition or think someone close to you might talk with your physician about how they can help diagnose it properly so that treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Extreme fatigue (weak, tired feeling)

Extreme fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. This symptom is because the body’s cells are not getting enough glucose, so they need more energy to function correctly. This condition is called hypoglycemia, which can cause extreme fatigue, which is why it is a common symptom of diabetes.

If you have been experiencing these symptoms for two weeks or longer, see your doctor immediately.

Blurry vision

Blurry vision is a symptom of diabetes that other health conditions can also cause. Diabetes is a condition where the body does not produce enough insulin or does not use it effectively, which causes sugar to build up in the bloodstream. The buildup of sugar in the blood makes it harder for your eyes to focus and see clearly.

Blurry vision may also be caused by changes to your retina or the back part of your eye that senses light. These changes include swelling and bleeding inside the eye as well as changes on top of the retina called retinal detachments.

Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal

Diabetes can be dangerous and painful. If you have diabetes, your body might not be able to heal itself as well as it should. If you have cuts or bruises that don’t heal quickly, talk with your doctor about it. He may need to do some blood tests to see if there’s anything wrong with your circulation.

Diabetic Symptoms in Women

If you are a woman, you may experience frequent vaginal yeast infections. Yeast infections are a common symptom of diabetes that can also occur in men, but they’re more likely to affect women.

Candida albicans can cause yeast infections on the skin or vagina. Diabetes causes high blood sugar, which promotes yeast growth. Yeast overgrowth causes vaginal irritation and burning (vulva). When left untreated, it can lead to sores on the vulva or inside the vagina; these sometimes produce an unpleasant discharge that looks like cottage cheese with curds floating in it—or even semen (“raw egg” syndrome).

Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter medicines such as Monistat 3® Cream or Vagistat-3® Cream applied daily for seven days without fail; if symptoms do not improve after treatment, then see your doctor for further advice about what else might help relieve them.

These are some significant symptoms to look for

  • Vision changes. If you notice any of the following changes in your vision, see a doctor immediately: blurred vision, seeing lots of spots or floaters, seeing colors differently than before (like seeing red as green), or other vision changes.
  • Extreme thirst. It’s normal to feel thirsty after exercise and during hot weather, but if you’re always thirsty—even when it’s not hot outside, and you haven’t been exercising—that might be a sign of diabetes.
  • Extreme hunger or increased urination can be signs that your body is trying to compensate for high blood sugar levels by storing more calories as fat instead of burning them off for energy. They’re also symptoms that may point to type 2 diabetes (though they can also happen with type 1).

How do I know if I have diabetes?

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s essential to get tested for diabetes. If you test positive for diabetes—even if it’s only borderline—it’s necessary to take steps to manage your blood sugar level. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help:

  • Eat healthily and exercise regularly.
  • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Make sure that the amount of insulin in your body is balanced with the amount of food you eat daily (your dietitian can help you figure this out).


It is important to remember that not all symptoms of diabetes are the same. Some people may experience none at all, while others will have several. For example, some people may experience frequent urination and thirst, while others only notice these problems during exercise or after eating certain foods (such as sugar). The best way to know if you have diabetes is by visiting your doctor, who can give a blood test to determine if your levels are high enough for treatment.


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